Science & Technology

9 Things to Know about the Phenomenon of ‘Ring of Fire’

26/2 days, astronomical phenomena “ring of fire” will take place rarely. 9 things you need to know about the remarkable phenomenon.

1. Annular Solar Eclipse

This is the scientific name for this phenomenon, which means: annular eclipse.

9 things to know about the phenomenon of 'ring of fire'

9 things to know about the phenomenon of ‘ring of fire’

2. Create the edge of the red light like fire

This phenomenon does not occur when the moon completely obscures the sun that generates a light fringe around the red color. Hence the phenomenon also known as Fire Circle (Ring of Fire).

3. Head to the special position of the Moon

Light edge formed by the Moon in position too high or too low, unable to cover the entire sun, ring of fire effect red.

4 hours 25 minutes long Candy

Starting at 19h10 the day 26/2 and ended on 27/2 hourly 0h35 Vietnam days.

5.Run under narrow band, size 31 km

Passing southern Chile and Argentina, South Atlantic, Angola and Zambia-Congo border

6. Yes can track Google maps from NASA

Regrettably, astronomy lovers in Vietnam could not witness this phenomenon. But even so, you can keep track of the eclipse from interactive Google map of NASA.

 "Ring of Fire" looked from Qingdao, China in 2012. Photo: National Geographic.

“Ring of Fire” looked from Qingdao, China in 2012. Photo: National Geographic.

7. Not be observed with the naked eye Viewers can blind even observed through binoculars or camera. You must use the filter glass, optical glass effect against UV rays.

8. World period of 18 months In fact, this phenomenon can occur before or after the estimated time.

9. The last time this phenomenon happened in Vietnam is dated 5/21/2012

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