Exercises That Make You Better At Bed
The diet of the cornet has its share of truth: sex is one more exercise that slims, tones and it tires you. You have to have a good background, sporty talking, to endure the arduous sessions of bed. If we are not in shape, the jerks in the muscles, seizures and flatus will be our daily bread (or night).
That’s why we send you a clear message: forget about the bikini operation, and start cultivating the bed operation. Get in shape to get the best of yourself under the sheets and make your sex life warmer.
In addition, exercise results can seriously boost your confidence in bed, plus the endorphins that are released after a sweat session can set you up for further intimate training.
The bridge
“This movement opens up the flexibility of the hip and strengthens the buttocks and hamstrings, which are important for most positions,”
The inner thigh muscles, often neglected, are the hip adductors and support them along the knees and the general nucleus
To do this, it is essential to always have a perfect alignment of the spine, from the head and neck to the hip. Lying on your back with your arms and hands resting on the sides of your body, support your feet in the ball so that it is just below your twins. Keeping the body straight, as on a diagonal, forcefully compress the buttocks and abdomen and hold the posture for 10 seconds. Loosen and redo the exercise 10 times.
Internal Thigh Lift
The inner thigh muscles, often neglected, are the hip adductors and support them along the knees and the general nucleus, “explains Amanda Freeman, founder of SLT. The inner strength of the thighs is ideal for wrapping the couple and you know what I mean, “says the expert.
To do this correctly, “stand with a towel under your feet next to each other, with a towel under the right and the weight evenly distributed between the two.” Slowly slide your right foot toward your left leg and count four. slowly slide your right foot back toward your left leg. “
The bridge opens the flexibility of the hip and strengthens the buttocks and hamstrings, which are important for most positions
Mind you, the expert warns that most people usually lean to one side while doing this movement. “It is imperative that the weight stays the same on both feet for maximum benefit. Neither should bend your knees.”
The diet of the cornet has its share of truth: sex is one more exercise that slims, tones and it tires you. You have to have a good background, sporty talking, to endure the arduous sessions of bed. If we are not in shape, the jerks in the muscles, seizures and flatus will be our daily bread (or night).
That’s why we send you a clear message: forget about the bikini operation, and start cultivating the bed operation. Get in shape to get the best of yourself under the sheets and make your sex life warmer. In addition, exercise results can seriously boost your confidence in bed, plus the endorphins that are released after a sweat session can set you up for further intimate training.
It is the group of muscles that we use most in sex. Lie down with your arms fully stretched over your head and your legs open and bent. Slowly raise your upper body by letting your arms move between your legs and touching your toes. Slowly returns to the starting position.
Arm pushups are a fairly complete form of exercise, with no need for special equipment, and can be done anywhere. They work the entire upper body: pectorals, deltoids and triceps and help tone the abdominals, as well as improve overall fitness, endurance and strength, essential for sex sessions.