
Guinness World Records that haven’t been Broken till Now!!

All of this record already exists for a long time, but so far have not broken.

Greatest blockbusters history

Gone with the Wind / Gone with the Wind by Hollywood production in 1939 is an indispensable film for cinema lovers. Since its debut in 1939 film grossed more than $ 400 million.

This figure is adjusted for inflation shows the current currency, sales of film up to $ 3.5 billion, becoming the film with the highest trade turnover in the history of world cinema as of present time.

Epidemic that killed many people the most

Pandemic “Black Death” plague from happening within 13 years (1338 to 1351) has claimed the lives of 75 million people worldwide.

The peak of the epidemic in Europe took place in 1348 – 1350, that half the population of Europe died. If this pandemic occurs in the present time, it is estimated that Europe will take up to 150 years to recover the population has been devastating epidemic.

Who sits on the longest pillar

This record belongs to St. Simeon the Stylite, a Syrian monk who lived in the 5th century Accordingly, this monk has spent 37 years atop a stone pillar at Magic Hill in Syria that never sleeps as well as complete fasting. Crowds gathered around the pillar to hear monk Simeon the Stylite (the latter was named saints) to preach until he died in 459.

Weight individuals in the world

It was Jon Browe Minnoch, born in 1941 in the United States, shall be recorded in Guinness Book of Records as the world’s heaviest weighted weighing 634kg and up to now nobody has been record breaking Minnoch. 1983 men’s record for this weight died after efforts to reduce 361kg.

The world’s lightest person


That is Lucía Zárate, a Mexican woman with 54,6cm height and weight 2.1 kg, were enrolled in the Guinness Book of Records to become the world’s lightest and Lucía’s record so far no one can pass. 1890 This woman died at the age of 26 due to hypothermia when a train full of her circus stuck in the snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

The largest audio

Date 08/27/1883, Earth-explosion occurred on the island of Krakatoa (Indonesia), eruption index level 6, 13 times the destructive power of the atomic bomb Little Boy ever destroyed Hiroshima in Japan 1945.

The explosion killed more than 36,000 people and caused violent tsunami 40 meters, about 700 villages devastated. Ten days after the disaster on the Earth engulfed in smoke, global temperatures dropped and the global climate disruption lasted 5 years later. The most incredible thing about this explosion was the sound of it is about 2,200 miles by (area of Perth, Australia) people can still hear sounds from this horrific explosion. So the sound of the explosion is considered the largest on Earth.

Richest people of all time

Mansa Musa (1280 – 1337), ruled the Mali empire wealthy (including Ghana and Mali Timbuktu today), was awarded the title of richest people in the world of all time. His wealth comes from natural resource abundant country that he ruled Mali.

Known this country while in West Africa where production is more than half the world’s gold and salt. Estimated property line after being adjusted for inflation of Mansa Musa is 412 billion dollars, a huge number far exceeds the total assets of 3 billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Amancio Ortega combined. According to calculations by the financial magazine Forbes, there may not be a richer world Musa until 30 centuries ago.

The largest diamond in the world

Cullinan Diamond weighing 3.106 carats rough seems to have no rivals in this category. 1905, crude gorgeous gems have been found in Gauteng, South Africa, and was donated to the King Edward VII his birthday.

Then the stone is cut into 105 smaller members, including 530.2 carat Cullinan Park (aka Park “Great Star of Africa”), is regarded as manufactured diamond’s largest gender and Cullinan II Park ( “star of Africa is less than”). All of them are part of the British royal jewels, separate Cullinan member mounted on the British king’s scepter, and Cullinan II is mounted on the king crown.

The man all-time high

Robert Wadlow was born in 1918, came from Alton, Illinois, United States became famous around the world with the nickname “Alton Giant”.

Wadlow was confirmed reached 2m72 height when he died at the age of 22 (in 1940) due to an infection in the leg. Pituitary problems led him to constantly increase the height until her death. Even people who are holding the world record for the highest current is Sultan Kosen (high 2m47), the Turks also Robert Wadlow least 25 cm.

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